Here are some main basic things about Jackson Pollock(or interesting things)
- His full name is Paul Jackson Pollock.
- Pollock lived January 28, 1912 - August 11, 1956.
- He was an American artist who played a major role in the abstract expressionist movement.
- Pollock is well known for his "drip paintings" style.
- To make his drip paintings, Pollock would put his canvas either on the wall or floor. Instead of using brushes he would pour and drip paint directly from the can or use sticks, trowels or knives.
- From 1938-1942 he worked for the Federal Art Project.
- In 1956, Time magazine called him "Jack the dripper".
- In the 1950s Pollock was either strongly supported by critics, or was subject to harsh abuse and criticism.
- By the 1960s he was recognized as the most important figure in the most important movement of the century in American painting(Post-Painterly Abstraction).
- He had an unhappy personal life(an alcoholic) and had a premature death in a car crash. Both of which somehow managed to add to his legendary status is one of the most famous works of internet art. Miltos Manetas made this website in 2003. Steve Jobs said this website is the best website to experience the iPad and is the best application for the iPad. is People's Voice Winner of the Webby Awards. Time Magazine even listed on the Top 50 coolest websites. JacksonPollock is also an app on the iPad and iPhone. Visit the site and don't be surprised if you see a blank screen! YOU make the art on this artist website.
I like this piece because of how the white really pops out on the black backround. I also like the splatters of red and gray, it adds more depth to the piece.
I like this next piece because it completely fills an entire page with almost only a few colors. It is really intense and it is hard to see what you are really looking at but when you do see it, it is amazing.
I like this art because it has those big lines in the middle. They create a good space divider and give you more to look at than just the random lines and colors around them.
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