Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hi everyone!

We are now midway into June and that means two things: finals, and the end of the year! Only one of those things are exciting though...

This year, as you all know, I took the Creative Arts Elective class. At the beginning of the year I really thought that all of my projects would look horrible. Now I can say that only one is horrible! The rest are semi-horrible or actually make me look like I know what I am doing...hint: I don't:)

I am glad I took this class though. Now I know that while some art is fun, not all of it is for me. Like coming up with a creative design for my metals was really hard for me. I even lost a piece of it! Yet, when you look at the very first project I did(the shoe drawing) I really love that piece! I now know that I can do things like that. I never thought I could before.

I also know more about myself. I know what I can do before I am so done I have a small mental breakdown(BIG THANKS to the people at my table for listening/ignoring while nodding and smiling to those). This class also really makes you think about what you really like and who you are. It helps you grow up alittle because you have to say "I like that, this is what I want to do, this is based on this part of me and so on..." Yet, with all that thinking it was still fun to have this class. I would take it again if I could.

Sadly, I can't take this class again:( I am doubling up on languages next year and I am doing my best to get back in Band, so I have no more electives! If I could I would take art again though! It was a pretty good class overall and Mrs. Kiick really is a great teacher who is very helpful and always has great suggestions.

So I guess I am retiring this blog now. How sad:'( Maybe junior year I will be able to get it back in my schedule...cross your fingers!

Farewell and goodbye all! I hope to see you soon!
Truly Yours,
Jillian(not Jill)

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