I recently finished our next project, the next President Collage. The entire time I worked on this piece, I thought I knew exactly how it was going to turn out. Of course, I was wrong. When I had thought I finished, I actually wanted to throw it away! I did not like it at all. I had covered up most of the collage with tissue paper because I wanted the viewer to first focus on this one part, then really try and find the other elements around that one spot. The tissue paper failed me though. After taking most of it off, I realized that the blue color of the tissue paper had stained most of the collage, and obscured exactly what I wanted! Without completely covering it up! So I decided that it was as perfect as it was going to get, and hung it up!
I used a few other techniques on this project. Mostly, I used gloss medium ink transfers and packing tape transfers. I even glued an entire image in the back round on too. But, you can't tell because I covered it with packing tape transfers. Other than the tissue paper to obscure parts, I used very thinned out paint to tint the entire project blue in one of the beginning layers. It created a nice effect because now after about 10 more layers, you can still see the blue.
This project was a lot more fun for me, but also less work. Coming into the shoe drawing, I had no idea how to shade a two-dimensional drawing to make it look three dimensional. After weeks of frustration, I can say that I know how to shade a two-dimensional drawing to make it look three dimensional:) With a collage, even though it is frustrating, it is a little easier than a drawing. If I didn't like something, I could cover it with more layers. I was creating this image so I didn't have to stick to the exact lines of three different shoes. I could have more fun with it! I hope we do something like this again soon!
And sorry for the shiny part of the picture! This is the best picture I have right now! I will post a new one asap!
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